
About Us

By AmalfiCoasting

The site www.amalficoasting.org was developed by Agenda Praiano for the Progetto Praiano NaturArte, a project co-financed by the Piano di Azione Coesione of the Regione Campania.

Agenda Praiano is an association started in the summer 2013 by a group of Praianesi who banded together to launch something unusual for Italy: a community organization that would promote social responsibility, cultural development and ecologically sustainable and “smart” economic growth.

This site is a tool to invite people from all over the world to discover our town, PRAIANO and share with us its extraordinary beauty and authenticity through virtual journeys that could inspire, surprise and entertain.Through its various sections, www.amalficoasting.org wants to be a place to experience and connect to the Praiano seen and depicted both by locals and tourists.It will help everybody to discover the "secrets" of Praiano and embrace the town not just as a tourist destination, but also as a community, with its people, its traditions and all of its offerings.

The site has been designed and developed by Pierpaolo Bozzano, a journalist and one of the three honorary members of Agenda Praiano with local historian Giovanni Scala and Amalfi's public notary Andrea Pansa, with the help of Altrama Srl.


Assessorato Beni Culturali

Comune di Praiano